Does your business not function as efficiently as you would like? Now is the time to assess your current business setup and improve productivity from both manager’s and employee’s perspective. Improving Productivity from a Management Perspective Review and Improve Technology As a business owner, you are constantly busy with running your business. This can cause […]
Archives for September 2022
IRS Wants to Send You a Refund for Filing Late
If you filed late during the pandemic, that is! If you — or a business you own — paid a penalty for filing late tax returns for 2019 and 2020, you will automatically receive a refund from the IRS! So What’s the Deal? The government forecasts refunds totaling more than $1.2 billion from failure-to-file penalties […]
New Business Startup Costs Pose Special Accounting Perils
Any entrepreneur who has started a business, or is contemplating starting a business should understand about startup costs. All new businesses incur costs before they begin active business operations. Typical startup costs include market analysis, due diligence to investigate whether to acquire a particular business or franchise, or construct a venture from scratch, and the […]
Student Debt Forgiveness — An Accountant’s Eye View
Student loan relief, federal student debt forgiveness, student debt cancellation, student loan forgiveness plan… the media have been splashing around lots of labels for this hot topic — and lots of buzz with the splash. Even without the hype, this topic has certainly captured a lot of attention from the accounting staff at Baum CPA […]